CleanSlate Blog

How CleanSlate’s Behavioral Health Program is Helping Patients Maintain Long-term Recovery

by Anna M. Gaddy | Sep 2, 2021


Addiction is a disease that affects virtually every aspect of a person’s life, so we believe recovery must also address the whole person. That’s why CleanSlate’s treatment for substance use disorder includes medical, behavioral and mental health services to help us fully address each patient’s needs. 

People often talk about behavioral and mental health without differentiating between the two. Behavioral health is the connection our behaviors have on our overall health. Mental health encompasses specific emotional, psychological and social factors that affect our behavioral health.

CleanSlate is taking a deliberate approach to expanding access to mental and behavioral treatment for people struggling with substance use disorder. We understand that to successfully treat substance use disorder, we need to treat the underlying conditions and factors that lead a person to want to use. By providing mental and behavioral health treatment alongside medication-assisted treatment, we offer patients the ability to receive comprehensive care.

Of the more than 20 million Americans with a substance use disorder, nearly 38% are also living with a mental health condition. These conditions can be at the core of addiction and lead people to use substances to cope with their feelings. Our licensed professional counselors address root issues like anxiety and depression that can cause or worsen addiction issues. 

To prioritize our patients’ behavioral health, we work with them closely to ensure their emotional and spiritual needs are met. CleanSlate’s certified recovery specialists and care coordinators work to arm patients with everything they need to feel supported on their recovery journey. We have extensive partnerships in all of the communities we serve and work alongside other qualified service providers like community health centers, family services, urgent cares, pharmacies and more to help our patients overcome barriers to treatment success.

We believe incorporating mental and behavioral health into treatment can transform patients’ lives for the better and give them the tools they need to maintain recovery in the face of stress and triggers they encounter in their everyday lives. If you or someone you love is struggling, we’re here to help. Visit to find a CleanSlate center near you today.

Picture of Anna M. Gaddy

Anna M. Gaddy

Anna Gaddy is Vice President, Behavioral Health for CleanSlate.

Get Help Now

If you or someone you know suffers from the disease of addiction, please call 833-505-HOPE to speak with a professional.

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